
Oilfield Services Marketplace

[fa icon="calendar"] Dec 15, 2015 10:54:39 AM / by Petrobids Management


Whether you are a ten-year hand working an exploratory field or a new hire working in the grand old Permian Basin, locating strong oil and gas service providers of whom you can trust is a major challenge. There is nothing more frustrating as a drilling engineer (completions or production) when you realize not only do you not know who to contact but neither do your co-workers.

Locating oilfield services for my first operations in the oil and gas industry was about as modern as the last Cub’s World Series, and not to mention eye opening. Not only did I not know where to find oilfield services or whom to turn to, but "the good ol boy" reference was all I had to go off of. I quickly realized there has to be a better way to find services out there, only to find out no such thing existed…well there was a directory, a flipping yellow pages pretty much…only it was 2007 and this group didn’t even know of that.

Fast forward four or so years and my boss is telling me I have to get this directory, it is just so important for operating in certain areas, ok…it did help but really, a directory was all that was out there. The evolution of petrobids is exactly that, evolution. It started with a need and grew in ability so that an engineer, be it drilling, production, or completions can not only locate services, but easily request proposals via standardized templates per service, award the winners, and rate their service post job. An oilfield services marketplace.  Petrobids is also unique in its database storage and report builder capabilities, allowing you to not only manage your work but display the results to management.

The power of Petrobids will be the user-generated content of which empowers the output of ratings, analytics, and data storage. With data analytics and reviews you will be able to maximize your operations in a way you never could before. With the metrics to derive analytics on activity levels to trends in pricing you can hold your providers accountable and understand movement before the competitors. By utilizing a reputable vendor in a "must deliver" operation you now hold the keys to the output of your operation.

Petrobids, the oilfield services marketplace, will guide your decision making and help you achieve the results your management needs.  Petrobids is free.  You can learn more about us here

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Topics: Service Providers, oil & gas engineering, Operators